Sunday, October 23, 2016

Countdown to Christmas - Day 1 - "Paenolish" holder

Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! Who is ready for a brand new series??? I am!!! I am ready for our Christmas series to get under way! This is our very first project in this brand new series in which I am calling "Countdown to Christmas". I have no idea how many projects we will have in this series. I have no idea how often the videos will be published. I just know that we will be "counting down" to Christmas together. Hopefully you will find a project or two that you would like to build with me. Perhaps even a gift idea.

For our first project, we will be making a "Paenolish" holder. My daughters have always called nail polish "paenolish". When my now 23 year old was little, she couldn't say nail polish. And, I suppose, paenolish was just something that became a household word for us. I love filling my children's stockings with non-edible presents at Christmas. My mother started that a very long time ago. She never filled our stockings with candy. Oh, we got a piece now and then. Or our favorite type neatly wrapped and tucked somewhere among the other presents. But we primarily got trial size shampoos and toothpaste and such. So, I thought I would make a nice package to hold some paenolish and a nail file for my daughters' stockings this year.

It is made from a piece of card stock measuring 6 1/2 x 8 inches and some designer series paper to decorate the sides of the box. Three of the panels measure 1 3/8 x 2 3/8 inches. You will also need a small piece measuring 1 3/8 x 1 3/8 inches for the top of the box.

I would highly recommend watching the video, simply because the directions are fairly difficult to explain for me in writing. ;-) You can find the video here.

Thanks for joining me for this new series and I hope you find many projects to inspire you.

Until next time...


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