Monday, October 3, 2016

31 Days of Halloween - Day 20 - Center Open Box

The roarin' 20's. We are no longer teenagers!!! Woo hoo!! Hahaha. For today's project, I made a box that opens in the center.

I actually saw the original design on Crafty Caroline's Youtube channel, I believe, and thought it would make a fabulous Halloween project. I am planning on using it to hold the kids glow sticks that they will wear for trick or treating. I will give them the box and the glow sticks inside as a "gift" before Halloween. It is a very substantial box that could hold quite a few goodies inside. If you would like to watch the video for the dimensions and tutorial, click here.

Tomorrow we will go back to card making with the sweet stamp set "Baby Bear", Bet you never thought Baby Bear could be used for Halloween, did you? 

Until next time...



Paper Snips                                          Bone Folder                                    Stampin Trimmer

Jar Of Haunts Stamp Set          Tombo Multipurpose Liquid Glue                Fast Fuse

Decorative Label Punch                              Wink Of Stella Clear

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